The Presenter+ will sell for $79.99 and the Audio Dock for $249.99. Microsoft has yet to reveal the official availability.  More: Everything Microsoft announced at the October Surface event

The Presenter+ should click with Teams users

The Presenter+ is a Bluetooth-enabled remote that lets you click your way through slideshows, toggle mute/unmute, and even direct your audience’s attention with the onscreen pointer function (see image above).  Naturally, the remote works best with Microsoft Teams, with optimized features like raising or lowering your hand with a long press of the dedicated Teams button and the ability to dial into your next scheduled meeting by pressing the quick-access shortcut. Microsoft says the Presenter+ works with other collaboration services, too, including Zoom.  More: The rules of work are changing, and hybrid work is winning At $79.99, the remote is priced to compete, sliding in between Canon’s PR100-R clicker and Logitech’s Spotlight. Still, the Microsoft variant is probably not for all, and you certainly don’t have to spend more than $50 for a presentation remote. But if your business or job revolves around Microsoft Teams, and you could use the service-tailored features, then the Presenter+ may be the one to buy. 

The Audio Dock declutters your messy desk

The $249.99 Microsoft Audio Dock is a mini docking station with an HDMI port, two USB-C ports, and one USB-A port, and doubles as a conference microphone and speaker system. There’s also a pass-through PC charger. The goal? Decluttering any office or home desk setup while providing high-end audio for virtual meetings, conferences, and presentations. Microsoft says the built-in Omnisonic speakers “deliver premium sound,” and the dual front-facing microphones are even better at noise cancellation and audio input. We’ll have to put the accessory to the test and see how it fares – especially for how much Microsoft is asking for a unit.