This is what it has been like for iPhone users suffering from what, on the face of it, seems like a simple bug where users are either not receiving notifications, or seeing severely delayed notifications. This problem surfaces soon after the release of iOS 14 (with some claiming it started before that), and to this day, it remains unfixed. None of the updates for iOS 14 that Apple has pushed out has helped. Must read: Don’t make this common, fatal iPhone or Android mistake Over on the Apple Support Forum there’s a thread that’s well over 100 pages long, detailing the trials and tribulations of iPhone owners trying to coax notifications back to life on their smartphone. There are literally dozens of possible fixes to the iPhone notifications problems listed. From rebooting to flipping toggles to unpairing any associated Apple Watches. Some users have had their iPhones replaced by Apple, or reset them countless times, only for the bug to return. The real fix seems to be very elusive. The only confirmed fix seems to be a drastic one – switching to Android. Over the past few weeks, the feeling has turned from hope to one of anger and frustration. And more users are starting to talk about moving away from the iPhone. What choice do they have? It’s that, or wait for iOS 15 to land and see if that helps. So, what’s the problem? I don’t know. It’s hard to get the size and shape of this problem because it can disappear for days or weeks, only to return with no warning. For example, I’ve spoken to a number of affected users who say the problem will go away after unpairing and repairing their Apple Watch with the iPhone, only for it to resurface days or weeks later. Others say rebooting the iPhone fixes the issue. For a while. I’m convinced that this is a configuration problem, because wiping the iPhone and starting from scratch seems to be a pretty reliable fix, but it’s also a harsh fix, and there have been occurrences where it has returned. Also, some have had their iPhones replaced by Apple only for the problem raise its head on the new hardware. That doesn’t sound like a hardware problem. But it’s all weird. And it’s all the stranger that Apple hasn’t come out with a fix, or at least a comment, related to this bug. Well, there’s always iOS 15…