Microsoft Outlook is one of the few email platforms that allows you to recall emails.  With this feature, you won’t have to feel as fearful of your Monday brain and can move on with your week mistake-free. It’s important to address a few feature requirements and caveats.  First, for the recall and resend feature to work:

Both you and your recipient must have Microsoft Outlook email addresses.The email can only be recalled if it was not read or opened by the recipient.The permanent recall feature is only available on a PC. Mac users will have to resort to the Undo toggle, which gives you up to a 10-second grace period to edit or rescind an email after sending it.  

Also: How to encrypt your email and why you should With that said, keeping in mind when you can use it, it’s a great feature. 

How to recall and resend an email in Outlook on a PC

A note about recall settings

Recalls are not guaranteed. A recall could fail depending on your recipient’s settings in Outlook. For example, if the recipient has the “Automatically process requests and responses to meeting requests and polls” box checked under their tracking settings, the recipient will be informed that you, the sender, deleted a message from their inbox.   Also: How to add an email signature in Outlook Select the option that works best for your circumstances.  Outlook will display a dialog pop-up, offering you the option to check the “Notify” box at the bottom to know if the recall succeeded or, unfortunately, failed.  Check whichever box – although, I’d personally opt to be notified – and then click “OK.”  If you wanted to compose a new message, write your new copy and hit “Enter” when prompted. 

How long do you have to recall an email after you send it?

You can recall a message up until the recipient has read it, so the sooner the better.

Does the recipient know if an email is recalled?

That depends on their settings. It’s possible the recipient could get a notification that something from their inbox has been deleted.

What happens if you resend an email in Outlook?

If you choose to resend an email, a new copy of the message will open for you to make any necessary changes to the text. From there, you’re free to send. The original message will be deleted from the recipient’s inbox, replaced by the newest version.  Also: How to make sure people see your important emails