Now, with notifications, I can rely on either a desktop notification or an email to remind me of events and can even configure the time when those notifications are sent. Even better, this can be done on a per-calendar basis, so if you have multiple Google calendars, you can set up notifications specific to each. For example, I have one calendar that sends me emails the day before an event. I have another calendar that sends a desktop notification 30 minutes before an event. How you configure the notifications will depend on your needs. Also: How to enable UWB on Android (and why you should) Let me show you how to take care of this, so you never miss another meeting (or any kind of event).
The only thing you’ll need for this is a valid Google account and a web browser. As I mentioned, you can configure different notifications for different calendars, but it also works if you’re only using the default Google calendar. I have multiple Google Calendars for different clients and different endeavors but I don’t have to configure notifications for all of them. With that said, let’s configure.
How to add notifications to your Google Calendar
Simple. And you can add as many notifications as you need. If one particular calendar houses very important events, you might add three notifications like this:
Email - 1 - WeekEmail - 1 - DayNotification - 30 - Minutes
Use a bit of creativity with your Google Calendar notifications and you’ll never miss another meeting or event.